Art Calligraphy Title

We are happy to share several submissions from our Children’s Programs’ art contest for Mental Health Awareness Month. The prompt for the contest was “My Life During Coronavirus”.


The “Prisoner” submission is from a 14 year old artist from the North Valley / Family Links program (NV/FL).
The “My Family During Coronavirus” submission is from an 8 year old artist from the Children’s Full Service Partnership program (CFSP).
Anime - 12 year old
The “Anime” submissions are from a 12 year old artist from the Children’s Intensive Field Capable Clinical Services Program (IFCCS).
Flowers 9 year old
The “Flowers” submission is from a 9 year old artist from the Multidisciplinary Assessment Team program (MAT).

Anime - 12 year old
The “Anime” submissions are from a 12 year old artist from the Children’s Intensive Field Capable Clinical Services Program (IFCCS).

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